Swimming Lessons

Why Kids Should Have Swimming Lessons

As the summer approaches, we all begin to look forward to longer days, and plenty of sun. The long school holidays are part of what makes summer great, but as the temperature rises, so does the chance of a tragic statistic being repeated as it is over most hot, sunny summers.

The unfortunate statistic is that almost every year, as temperatures peak in mid-summer, and children are drawn towards water, there will be children that drown.

The attraction to water is well known to all of us, but as we grow older our sense of safety and survival usually protect us, but children see things differently.

You cannot wrap your child in cotton wool, but nor can you keep an eye on them every moment of the day, but one of the most important skills you can make sure that your child is taught, is how to swim.

Although swimming lessons are on the National Curriculum in our primary schools, around 1,000 primaries do not undertake swimming lessons in the school timetable at all.

A report from the ASA, (Amateur Swimming Association) points out that amongst those schools that do provide swimming lessons, the recommended 25 hour total instruction curriculum is rarely achieved.

It cites 25 hours of lessons per pupil as the standard time needed to grow enough skill and confidence for kids to be able to swim at least 25 metres. This ability can be a life saver for your child.

The long hot summer, sadly will inevitably bring bad news of kids and water. The inquisitive mind loves to explore, and kids have an ability to find gaps in fences, or ways round, under or over barriers which were put up for everyone’s own good.

Disused, flooded quarry workings ooze a brooding menace to most adults, but to children they can represent a great adventure playground and the hotter the weather the more that water attracts them.

Quarried walls often appear sheer, and they can continue that sheer drop out of site underwater, and can hide very deep water indeed. Deep water can be very, very cold, even in hot sunshine under the first foot or so of water, and jumping into it can cause muscles to stop working properly.

Rivers, canals, reservoirs and of course, the seaside, all carry, amongst their attractions, the potential for serious difficulties, particularly for the non-swimmer.

You can’t take insurance against harm to your child but you can help do your best by seeing your child professionally taught to swim.